Things You Might Not Know About Evaporative Air Coolers

Things You Might Not Know About Evaporative Air Coolers

An evaporative cooler or “water cooler” is an air-cooling device that cools and humidifies the air using water as a heat absorber. Drops of water also turn into water vapor by taking this heat and entering the environment inside the building along with the air. In this system, water is sprayed directly on the air to increase the contact surface of the water droplets with the air blown by the centrifugal fan. Then the air enters and cools by transferring heat to the water. Finally, the air is expelled through a fan. This device also has the ability to ventilate and purify the air and is very useful in hot and dry areas. Evaporative refrigeration is very suitable for use in areas with arid and semi-arid climates, but it is not suitable for areas with humid climates because this system cannot reduce the air temperature well in humid climates, and on the other hand In dry areas, it increases air humidity, which will bring many benefits. The most famous evaporative cooling device is the water cooler, which most people are familiar with its structure. In the outdoor air cooler Dubai article, Rental Joy want to introduce you to evaporative coolers.

Direct Evaporative Cooling

The working principles of direct evaporative cooling devices are as described, and the incoming air is cooled directly due to contact with water droplets and enters the building through one or more ducts. According to the figure, the fresh air is cooled by contact with the wet cloth or by direct spraying of water on it and enters the building after passing through the fan. Among the most important devices that perform cooling of the building on this basis are the Zent device, Airwasher, and Econopack.

Indirect Evaporative Cooling

The indirect evaporative cooling system is made in the form of two-story evaporation. The advantage of indirect evaporative cooling is that the humidity of the fresh air does not increase, and it is used when we do not want the air humidity to increase. In fact, in this system, fresh air is cooled indirectly in a heat exchanger.

Division in Terms of Its Capacity and Application

Evaporative systems to all types of water coolers and Airwasher, Econopack, and Zent devices large are divided. According to the given description, we will assure you that you will find the best products at Rental Joy.


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